No. 24/2020
1 May 2020
The ULA/AA dismisses one-sided allegations of the Burmese war criminals army against the Arakan Army with respect to the trucks carrying WFP rice bags
The publication of a defamatory statement with one-sided accusations entitled “Arakan Army fires at the trucks carrying WFP rice bags and utensils of other organizations for IDPs and local residents in Paletwa area” by the Bamar racists and war criminals on 30 April 2020 is a piece of false information that politically attacked our organization.
The incident occurred on 29 April 2020 was nothing to do with our organization but it was a political plot deliberately played by the Burmese regime and its military to complicate the situation. We strongly condemn the heinous acts committed by the Burmese regime and its military to discredit our organization with such one-sided allegations and to affect public security.
This deliberate attack against the WFP trucks conducted by the Myanmar Army is the same as other assaults against ICRC and WHO vehicles. On the other hand, the Burmese regime and its military have been attacking the ULA/AA from every angle with various ways to face political crisis, by making false charges, in misuse of power and competence, on grounds of racial hatred.
By our own efforts and protections, the Arakan Army has been helping international aid organizations that are providing humanitarian assistance. The ULA/AA urges the WFP, as a humanitarian agency, should release true information about reality on the ground to inform the general public.
United League of Arakan/Arakan Army

2020 年 4 月 30 日,缅族极端战争犯罪分子单方面发布新闻污蔑我军阻挡和射击WFP和各个组织捐助给百力佤地区难民营的大米和物资运输车辆,此消息纯属缅方为了对我军进行政治打压而捏造。
4 月 29 日 WFP 车辆被袭事件根本与我军毫无关系,而是缅政府和缅军为了制造混乱精心亲手策划的一场政治秀。因此,我军强烈谴责缅政府和缅军无底线的污蔑我军以及做出危害人民安全的行为。
缅军不仅巧设陷阱射击 WFP 车辆,同时还对 ICRC 和 WHO 的车辆进行射击。缅政府和缅军为了给 ULA/AA 组织贴上各种不良标签,以便于其进一步在政治上压制我军,利用其特权和所掌控的人力资源,以煽动民族仇恨等多种方式,多方面对我军进行打压。
我军向来对国际爱心组织都会给予力所能及的保护和帮助,WFP 方应该出面将当时当地发生的真实情况告知广大人民群众,以正视听。
2020 年 5 月 1 日
