Press Release of the fifth-term extension of a unilateral ceasefire by
Three Brotherhood Alliance
3 May 2020
Despite the constantly extension of unilateral ceasefire by Our Three Brotherhood Alliance of the Kokang (MNTJP/MNDAA), the Ta’ang (PSLF/TNLA) and the Arakan (ULA/AA), Myanmar Army has not halted their sea-land-air joint operations against the Arakan Army but conducted the most intensified offensive assaults than ever, based on racial hatred, targeting civilians of Arakan. As a result, heavy fighting is occurring on a daily basis to date.
In a same way, the government of Myanmar and the Myanmar Army have been pressuring and attacking us from every angle in order for our Three Brotherhood Alliance to face military and political crises in addition to sporadic fighting in the Ta’ang and the Kokang regions. Therefore, mutual trust is deteriorating and a potential flame of civil war recurrence can be seen after receding peace process in Myanmar.
The unilateral ceasefire our Three Brotherhood Alliance has declared for several times is to effectively carry out practical tasks and to facilitate the peace building process between our organizations and the government of Myanmar and its military. Similarly, we have now extended a unilateral ceasefire from May 3, 2020 till May 31, 2020, with the aim to declare a proper bilateral ceasefire between our organizations and the Myanmar Army, to start political dialogue, to make real developments for our peoples, to protect life and property of the general public, to maintain stability for the borders of neighbouring countries bordering with Myanmar and to support the preventive and combative measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.
During the announcement of this unilateral ceasefire extension, should the Myanmar Army launch offensive attacks against our Three Brotherhood Alliance, we will take decisive defensive actions like before hand in hand with the oppressed peoples.
Three Brotherhood Alliance