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Opinion of the ULA/AA on the statement by Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Opinion of the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army on the statement by Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “the temporary internet suspension in Arakan and southern Chin states” dated 8 July 2020

8 July 2020

We have read the statement issued by Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “the temporary internet suspension in Arakan and southern Chin states” dated 8 July 2020.

It has been more than a year since Myanmar authorities have imposed internet shutdown in Arakan and Paletwa regions even though the term “the temporary internet suspension” was shamelessly used in their statement. It is known to the international community as the world’s longest and the worst internet shutdown.

Their expression “the temporary internet shutdown was used as a pretext for maintaining security and rule of law” has self-evident that the government of Myanmar has been attempting to conceal and cover up flagrant war crimes, crimes against humanity and serious human rights violations committed by the Myanmar Army in Arakan region. These heinous acts have not only showed the complicity of the government of Myanmar in committing serious crimes but also highlighted their collaboration to do media blackout. But such sham attempts and unsubstantiated claims would only lead to bring the worst consequences rather than delivering positive political goods.

The accusations of the government of Myanmar that the Arakan Army has used mobile internet technologies to detonate IEDS and landmines are untrue and these groundless allegations have been repeatedly rewritten with reference to fabricated information and half-baked analysis. This shows the government of Myanmar lacks government capacity. Similarly, their accusations are misrepresentation of facts to camouflage the suffering of heavy casualties from the side of Myanmar Army at the battlefronts in Arakan. This is just a plot of the government of Myanmar by mixing their immorality, lack of comprehension and racial hatred to shift the blame on our organization.

Although they are loudly talking about “No one left behind” in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole world and local residents know that IDPs, refugees and poor populations in Arakan and Paletwa regions are standing on their own foot in reality.

Therefore, the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army strongly denounces the statement filled with fabricated information, misrepresentation of facts, unsubstantiated claims, and unwarranted accusations issued by Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mislead and lure the international community and general public.

United League of Arakan/Arakan Army


1 Comment

Kyaw Kyaw
Kyaw Kyaw
Jul 09, 2020

Of course!

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